Mission & Bylaws



Reviewed and Amended 04/2023



The name of this organization shall be


2401 35th Avenue, Greeley, CO  80634.



The objectives and purposes of our club shall be to promote and foster school spirit by supporting school programs that increase student participations and create a sense of community at Greeley West High School.



The club is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as a nonprofit corporation and its activities shall be conducted solely for the aforesaid purposes.

Tax Status: 501 (c)(3)

Tax ID #: 84-0975452

No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the club shall not participate in nor intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of these Bylaws, the club shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (1) a club exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or (2) a club, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax law.



There shall be two classes of members: voting and non-voting. Voting membership shall consist of the Board of Directors, any ex officio presidents for up to four years after their last term, and one person representing each sport or activity that holds an account in good standing under the Greeley West Booster Club. Please see Article XII for the definition of an account in good standing. Each sport or activity will be represented by a coach, or a coach’s designated parent representative and that individual will be the representative for the school year unless a change is communicated to the president. The voting membership from any one sport or activity shall not exceed one member. No officer shall serve as the voting member for a particular sport or activity.

Non-voting membership in the club shall consist of any individual who contributes financially to the club through a donations, sponsorship, or purchase of a Booster Pass, or volunteers time to the club by attending meetings, serving on club committees, or helping at club activities.



Section 5.1 – The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer.  The Greeley West Principal, Athletic Director, Coaches, and / or Activity Principals are prohibited from being an Officer of the Booster Club.

Section 5.2 – The officers shall be elected by the voting membership and shall hold office for one year. President and vice president may be elected for one second term (year) with their consent. No term limitations apply for the secretary, treasurer, or communications officer.

Section 5.3 – Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership present at a regular or special meeting called for such purpose.  Said officer will have an opportunity to be heard prior to the vote.

Section 5.4 – The president shall be the executive officer of the club and shall preside over all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors.  He/she shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of the president.

Section 5.5 – The vice-president, in the absence of the president, shall assume the duties of the president.  He/she shall also perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or as may be assigned by the president or the Board of Directors. The vice president shall become the president the year following his/her term.

Section 5.6 – The secretary shall maintain a record of proceedings of all meetings and shall be responsible for retention of all non-financial records.

Section 5.7 – The treasurer shall receive all funds paid to the club, deposit same in the official depositories, and disburse same on order of the Board of Directors. Anything coming out of the Booster Club account must be voted on by the voting membership.  Anything coming out of a sport’s or activity’s account must be determined by the coach or activity advisor.

Section 5.8 – The communications officer shall create and distribute content promoting the above purpose for various media outlets including newsletters, event flyers, social media announcements, and maintain the Booster Club social media site(s).



Section 6.1 – The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the club, the Greeley West High School Principal, Athletic Director, and Activities Principal.

Section 6.2 – The Board of Directors shall determine the policies and activities of the club, authorize expenditures, and establish committees as needed.

Section 6.3 – The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of two times each year.

Section 6.4 – The Bord of Directors indemnifies / holds harmless all board members.



Section 7.1 – Election of officer shall be held at the annual meeting in May.

Section 7.2 – Voting for officers shall be by written ballot of the voting members present or by proxy to the standing president. A simple majority will determine the outcome.

Section 7.3 – At the regular meeting in April, the voting members shall submit a list of nominees, with consent of those nominated, to the membership. The list submitted by the voting members plus any nominations from the floor at the April Meeting will be nominees considered for election.

Section 7.4 – In case of a vacancy in the office of the president, the vice president shall assume the duties of that office for the remainder of the term.  A vacancy in the offices of vice president, secretary, treasurer, or communications officer shall be filled for the remainder of the term by an appointee of the Board of Directors.



Section 8.1 – The club will hold a general meeting during each month of the school year at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  It may hold such other meetings as the Board of Directors may deem necessary.

Section 8.2 – The annual meeting of the club shall be the meeting in May.  The membership shall be given two weeks’ notice of the time and place of the meeting.



Section 9.1 – Committees will be designated by the Board of Directors at such time and for such duration to perform the specific functions for which they are required.

Section 9.2- The Board of Directors shall have a Finance Committee in place at all times.  The Finance Committee is a standing committee and is required to meet once per month.  The Finance Committee is charged with keeping an accurate record of all accounts, monitoring all deposits and will be responsible for all disbursements made from the accounts of the organization.   The committee shall consist of the Treasurer, Athletic Director and volunteers. 

Section 9.3 – The Board of Directors shall appoint the committee chairperson on each committee.

Section 9.4 – Committees shall give a report at each meeting.



Section 10.1 – A budget of estimated income and expenditures for the following school year shall be adopted by the Board of Directors/Finance Committee at the annual meeting.

Section 10.2 – The club’s records of account may be audited upon request by the School District.

Section 10.3 – All check disbursements by the club will be signed by the treasurer.  The Board of Directors shall designate authorized substitute signatures in the event the Treasurer is unable to perform the duties.

Section 10.4 – All requests for expenditures, except for general operating expenses, may be

1)    Presented to the Board which may act on them or choose to bring a recommendation to the next general meeting, or

2)    Presented at a general meeting for decision at that time.

Section 10.5 – Disbursements will not be made without an official, itemized receipt.

Section 10.6 – Invoices over $1,000.00 will not be processed without the written approval of the Athletic Director or other Administrator.

Section 10.7 – During May of each year, upon the election of officers, the treasury must show a minimum balance of $1,000.00.



Revenue from sources may be raised as determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the voting membership.



An account in good standing for the purpose of determining voting status is defined as:  1) One with a positive balance, 2) Where a coach or their designee is present at seven (7) Booster Club meetings annually, and 3) Program participates in at least one fundraising event annually. Probationary status will begin when not in good standing. 

General Booster Club funds will not be available to those in probationary status. If in probationary status for one calendar year, the account will be transferred to a school managed account for that sport/activity.




            SECTION 13.1 Voting Members. These Bylaws may be amended, repealed, or otherwise altered by the Voting Members.


            SECTION 13.2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors may also make, amend, or repeal, subject to any provision of the Articles of Incorporation, or a bylaw adopted by the shareholders that reserves the power exclusively to the shareholders or otherwise restricts the authority of the Board of Directors.



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